Automation & Control

Save 8.2 % or more on Energy costs!
(Average single family home spends $2,200.00 per year on energy costs.)
(That’s a $182.00 savings in 1 year, $1,820.00 in 10 Years and $3,640.00 in 20 years)
Today’s Home is not just a brick and mortor structure and “ROOF over your head”. Today a home can be Technologically advanced and not only provide Conveniences and “Luxuries” but can SAVE you substantial amounts of money in Energy Savings, Homeowner Inurance costs and can EXTEND the life span of your major home appliances from 30% to as much as 70%! Long term savings (10s of thousands of dollars) can even PAY for the Technology features that you and your family can enjoy. Built-in Home Systems are becoming an integral part of new home designs and most can also be easily retro-fitted even in older or existing homes. Alarvac Systems Integrators can advise you on which Built-in Home Systems can benefit you the most.
Click on the Category you need below to view our selection or CALL 416-520-4080 TODAY and start SAVING while enjoying the Conveniences and Luxuries.