Wet & Dry Central Vacuum Systems

Whether you are a professional or commercial enterprise, or a home owner that just wants to keep their valued furnishings, rugs and carpeting in top shape, our Wet & Dry Central Vacuum Systems can clean up whatever you need.

How do Wet & Dry Central Vacuum Systems Work?

Wet and Dry Central Vacuums work just like conventional central vacuum systems, but instead of using a bag to collect dust and waste, they are connected directly to a drain, so that any dirt or liquids that you vacuum up are flushed directly into the sewer system. It’s virtually maintenance-free and of course, with this bagless system, you never need to empty a bag or drain a tank.

I already have a Central Vacuum system. Can I upgrade to a Wet & Dry Vacuum?

Typically, Wet and Dry Central Vacuums are best installed at the rough-in stage of construction, but if you are thinking of replacing an older Central Vacuum system with a Wet-Dry Vacuum system, call us to determine if a Wet & Dry Vacuum would work in your location. Typically, a unit would need to connect to a water supply and a waste water drain, and some units require an outdoor exhaust as well.

What about occasional liquid spills?

For occasional cleanup of liquids, you can purchase a Wet Vacuum Interceptor, which is a canister that connects between your vacuum hose and wall outlet, and separates water from the air stream before the air passes into the in-wall tubing. This is an inexpensive way of adding wet capacity to your system, without needing a system upgrade.

Call the Experts!

At Alarvac, we have been installing and servicing Central Vacuum units for over 25 years. If you need service for an existing system, or a quotation for an installation – or if you just have a few questions, we’re always happy to help. You can reach us at 416 520-4080.

AlarVac Systems Inc.

3868 Chesswood Dr.
Toronto ON
M3J 2W6
Phone: 416-520-4080
Email: info@alarvac.com


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